GENEVA, June 2 (Hina) - The Croatian delegation led by President
Franjo Tudjman on Sunday afternoon held separate talks with US
Secretary of State Warren Christopher and Bosnian President Alija
Izetbegovic as part of bilateral meetings at the US diplomatic
mission in Geneva.
During talks with Christopher, Croatia reiterated its
commitment to full implentation of the Dayton peace accords. It
was said that general elections in Bosnia-Herzegovina shoud be
held according to agreed conditions and time-table at all levels
of government.
The talks also focused on the peaceful reintegration of the
remaining occupied areas of eastern Croatia and it was agreed
that the United States would take an active part in the search
for missing persons and that it would continue its active role in
the whole process.
Diplomats close to the talks said that the US confirmed that
it would resume its economic mission that had been suspended due
to the tragic death of Commerce Secretary Ronald Brown in a plane
crash in southern Croatia two months ago.
Talks with Izetbegovic centred on some open issues related
to the functioning of the Croat-Moslem Federation in Bosnia-
The two sides reached agreements on freedom of the media in
the Federation, particularly as regards their role in the pre-
election period, and on the armed forces.
As the day-long talks in Geneva were drawing to a close,
negotiators from Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia were
adjusting the text of a joint document with commitments the three
sides would assume in further implementing the Bosnian peace
accords, diplomats said.
It remained open how to get Serbian President Slobodan
Milosevic to assume responsibility for creating necessary
conditions for holding elections in Serb-controlled Bosnia-
Herzegovina, including the removal of Bosnian Serb political
leader Radovan Karadzic and military commander Ratko Mladic, both
indicted for war crimes by the Hague-based international criminal
Christopher, speaking to reporters about an alleged letter
pledging the dismissal of Karadzic and Mladic from power, said
that it was not the papers but actions that mattered.
During a joint working lunch, Milosevic said, according to
diplomatic sources, that the holding of free and fair elections
would be a turning point in the peace process and that conditions
for their holding would be met within planned time limits.
Croatia urged the establishment of cantonal government
bodies in the Federation and according to some sources, an
agreement was reached on the beginning of US-led international
arbitration in the Brcko area of northeastern Bosnia.
A date for elections in Bosnia-Herzegovina was expected to
be announced at a meeting of foreign ministers in Florence on 13-
14 June.
(hina) vm
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