ZAGREB, June 5 (Hina) - Croatian Interior Minister Ivan Jarnjak met
in Washington on Tuesday for separate talks with Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI) Director Louis Freek and Assistant Secretary of
State Robert Gelbard, a Foreign Ministry statement said Wednesday.
Jarnjak informed the FBI director about the security situation
in Croatia, particularly about ways of countering organized crime
and terrorism.
Freek said that he was acquainted with the excellent results
of training programs for law-enforcement personnel at the Police
Academy in Zagreb. He pledged full professional assistance to the
Croatian police, particularly in the exchange of information of
mutual interest.
The FBI director accepted with pleasure Jarnjak's invitation
to visit Croatia soon.
Gelbard expressed expectations that Croatia would continue to
cooperate with the International War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague.
The Croatian Interior Ministry delegation, on a visit to the
United States since May 30, was travelling to Los Angeles where it
would get acquainted with the organization of police work in the
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