ZAGREB, June 4 (Hina) - The Zagreb daily VJESNIK on Tuesday runs a
commentary entitled "The French Want Big Business in Croatia" on
the visit of the French Finance and Foreign Affairs Minister Yves
Galland to Croatia.
"What will happen to Radovan Karadzic, will he stay in Pale or
end up in The Hague" is the question which Mirko Galic writes about
after the Geneva meeting on the implementation of peace agreements
in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
"Serbs Implement Plan Z-4" and "Return to Serb Maximalism" are
headlines of articles on demands of the Serb local authorities for
a high autonomy in an area they had occupied.
Branko Podgornik writes about the result of the ten advisory
referendums in Croatia.
Another Zagreb daily VECERNJI LIST runs a commentary about
strict supervision of the quality of goods which is being imported
into Croatia and exported from it.
In an article headlined "Slap to Milosevic", Visnja Staresina
comments on the meeting of presidents Tudjman, Milosevic and
Izetbegovic with the U.S. State Secretary Warren Christopher which
focused on the implementation of the Dayton peace accords.
"Will the peaceful integration of the occupied Croatian areas
into Croatia's constitutional and legal system be peacefully
completed?" is the question Mate Piskor writes about.
"Croatia will make moves it has to make, on the principle of a
categorical imperative - territorial integrity and sovereignty over
its whole territory. Any other peaceful solution is out," Piskor
(hina) lm jn
041039 MET jun 96
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