ZAGREB, May 27 (Hina) - The Zagreb-based daily VJESNIK on Monday
covered the weekend session of the Presidential Council under the
headline "Croatia Doesn't Want to Accept Any More Conditions."
The cooperativeness of Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic
with the international war crimes tribunal in The Hague is the
subject of an article headlined "Milosevic's Traps for Hague-
based Tribunal."
"Electoral Compromise in Mostar" is the headline of an
article commenting on recent agreements between the Bosnian
Moslems and Croats on elections in Mostar.
Vjesnik also includes an article on relations within the
European Union and the Council of Europe, under the headline "Is
Europe Headed for Uncertain Future?"
Another Zagreb-based daily VECERNJI LIST runs an article on
"Where and How to Get a Cash Loan."
The paper comments on the two-day Presidential Council
session under the headline "Agreement on Most Important Issues."
Vecernji List includes an interview with Krunislav Olujic,
president of the government commission for advisory referendums
which will be held on June 2.
(hina) vm
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