ZAGREB, May 29 (Hina) - Bosnian Federation President Kresimir Zubak
on Wednesday warned the Parliament of the Republic of Bosnia-
Herzegovina that several laws it had recently passed were in
violation of the Bosnian Federation Constitution and the Dayton
Constitution of the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
In a letter addressed to President of the Parliament Miro
Lazovic, Zubak said several members had warned about the violation
of the Constitution during the debate, but were overruled.
"This has shown once again that majority decision-making in a
multi-ethnic community only serves as a screen for the domination
of the more numerous nation over the less numerous, regardless of
the principles of constitutionality and legality," the letter said.
Federal Constitutional Court had no jurisdiction over the
violations of the Dayton Constitution, Zubak said, warning Lazovic
that the laws in question would not be implemented in certain parts
of the Bosnian Federation.
"Attempts at usurping the authority of Federal bodies by
institutions of the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina will not succeed
and may have multiple negative consequences," the letter warned.
(hina) jn as
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