SARAJEVO, May 29 (Hina) - Both federal partners wanted the
implementation of the Dayton Agreement, Bosnian Federation
president Kresimir Zubak said in Sarajevo on Wednesday.
All organs of authority in the Federation were ready to speed
up and facilitate the implementation of the peace agreement and
establishment of trust, Zubak said at a meeting of the Joint
Civilian Commission for Sarajevo.
He said that, despite all difficulties, the implementation of
the peace agreement was proceeding well, but he warned that at the
time of its signing, no one could have presumed what difficulties
were impending, especially in the implementation of the civilian
part of the agreement.
Deputy high commissioner for the implementation of the peace
agreement, Michael Steiner, who presided the meeting, said during a
discussion on the situation in the region of Sarajevo, that so far
significant progress had been achieved in the normalization of life
in parts of Sarajevo which had recently been integrated into the
Steiner warned of the necessity to take more determined
measures aimed at preventing attempts of robbing and intimidating
the Serb populace which had decided to remain in the Sarajevan
suburbs after the integration.
International police commissioner in Bosnia Peter Fitzgerald
said that the worst safety situation was in Ilidza where numerous
cases of looting and settling in abandoned houses.
(hina) lm jn
291751 MET may 96
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