( Editorial: --> 0209 )
VUKOVAR, Dec 22 (Hina) - Two bombs exploded near a Serb Orthodox
church and a police patrol was attacked in the eastern Croatian town
of Vukovar on Sunday evening, police said on Monday.
Two hand grenades exploded in the courtyard of the Church of St.
Nicholas in central Vukovar shortly before 19.00 hours. The
explosions, which occurred within a space of 30 seconds, caused
minor damage, shattering several windows on the nearby rectory.
Two and a half hours later, a bomb was thrown at a police patrol
involved in the blockade of the town centre. One police officer and
a passerby were lightly wounded in the attack which occurred
outside a restaurant.
Although wounded, the officer joined his colleague in pursuit of
the assailant, who managed to escape through an unlit side street.
An intervention group backed by special police continued the
The wounded civilian was detained in hospital for further treatment
while the policeman was released.
The two attacks occurred after all media reported indicators of a
good security situation in the Danube river region and after the
local Serb population and returning Croat displaced people
confirmed this in opinion polls, the Vukovar office of Assistant
Interior Minister Josko Moric said in a statement.
The statement ascribed the attacks to "opponents of the Croatian
state, who have also terrorised the population of this region in the
past years."
Despite demilitarisation and the implementation of a weapons buy-
back programme, there are still weapons and bombs in the region. In
order to maintain the present level of security, the police will
take resolute measures to find and confiscate weapons and explosive
devices, the statement said.
(hina) vm
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