( Editorial: --> 9998 )
ZAGREB, 21 Dec (Hina) - Croatian Defence Minister Gojko Susak met
Saturday in the Zagreb hotel 'Intercontinental' with Marinko
Katava, Pero Skopljak and Ivan Santic, three Bosnian Croats, who
were acquitted of war crimes charges by the Hague International
Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia (ICTY).
The three Croats were released on Friday evening and arrived in
Zagreb by plane on Saturday.
Susak said he "was more than happy that all three of them have come
"To be honest, I did not expect such a speedy return," Susak said,
adding he hoped that others would return in the same way.
Perhaps it would be a somewhat longer process, "but I don't doubt at
all that all those who went to The Hague of their own accord,
including Tihomir Blaskic, would return home innocent, as they were
when they went there," Susak said.
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211145 MET dec 97
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