( Editorial: --> 9476 )
SARAJEVO, Dec 18 (Hina) - Bosnian Presidency member Kresimir Zubak
and Croat-Moslem Bosnian Federation President Vladimir Soljic on
Thursday protested against violent behaviour in the Thursday
morning arrest of Anto Furundzija and Vlatko Kupreskic by the NATO-
led Stabilisation Force.
Zubak and Soljic forwarded letters to representatives of the
international community in Bosnia-Herzegovina, member-countries
of the Contact Group, the papal nuncio in B-H, the international
High Representative in B-H, the NATO Secretary General and SFOR
commander Eric Shinseki.
In the letters, Zubak and Soljic agreed that court injunctions and
warrants of the international war crimes tribunal had to be
complied with.
They recalled that the Bosnian Croat side had agreed to such
cooperation, on condition that such proceedings equally and fairly
refer to the perpetrators of all crimes, including crimes against
"We want to warn that this morning's action continues the
humiliation of Croats in Bosnia-Herzegovina, since they are the
only ones among those arrested by The Hague tribunal whose number is
increasing," Zubak and Soljic said in the letters.
This bred the conviction that Bosnian Croats were most liable for
the conflict.
Zubak and Soljic said such procedures incited Croats to leave
Central Bosnia. It is a programmed attack on the overall existence
of Croats as a constituent people in Bosnia, they assessed.
The two Bosnian Croat officials voiced bitterness and
dissatisfaction over the violence in the arrest of Kupreskic. They
said that two bombs had been thrown into Kupreskic's house even
though his wife and children were inside.
Zubak and Soljic also said that after the arrest, Kupreskic's wife
was tied and hit in the head with a rifle butt.
(hina) ha mm
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