( Editorial: --> 9851 )
WASHINGTON, Dec 20 (Hina) - With the ending of the UNTAES mandate
Croatia ends one important period in its history and begins
another, Croatian Ambassador to the UN Ivan Simonovic said at a
Security Council session on Friday.
The council passed a resolution confirming the termination of the
mandate of the UN Transitional Administration (UNTAES) in the
Danube river region of eastern Croatia on January 15 next year.
The previous period was characterised by the building of the state,
the confirmation of long denied identity and mere survival. Now we
are entering a period of development in which the quality of life
for all Croatian citizens occupies the central place, Simonovic
In this regard, Croatia will count on the support of the
international community, he added.
We hope that our cooperation will take on a new form, for example in
the area of human rights, and we also hope that the policy of
monitoring will be replaced with concrete technical assistance,
the ambassador said.
Simonovic said that the resolution, in its appeal for cooperation
with the international war crimes tribunal in The Hague, failed to
mention the responsibility of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
(FRY), comprising Serbia and Montenegro, whose troops had been
involved serious war crimes.
Three Yugoslav military officers have been indicted by the tribunal
for crimes committed in the Croatian Danube region and the FRY still
refuses to hand them over, Simonovic said.
He added that the resolution also failed to reflect the fact that
the Serbs in the Danube region were not only reintegrating into
Croatia, but also into the Serb community in Croatia.
A significant segment of the Serb community has remained to live in
Croatia, sharing the destiny and hardships of other citizens of
Croatia. Former rebels should look upon that group as a bridge
towards full reintegration into Croatian society and public life,
Simonovic said.
(hina) vm
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