( Editorial: --> 9805 )
WASHINGTON, Dec 19 (Hina) - Croatian Ambassador to the United
Nations Ivan Simonovic on Friday called on the International
Criminal Tribunal in The Hague to initiate proceedings against the
perpetrators of crimes against Bosnian Croats.
It is crucial for the peace process that the tribunal should reflect
better the level of involvement and the degree of responsibility of
various parties to the conflict, Simonovic told a UN Security
Council session which discussed the situation in Bosnia-
Herzegovina on Thursday and Friday.
Simonovic drew attention to the fact that despite assessments by
foreign sources that Bosnian Croats and Moslems were responsible
for about 10 per cent of the crimes and Bosnian Serbs for 90 per
cent, at this moment 73 per cent of arrested war crimes suspects
were Bosnian Croats.
What's more, despite ample evidence, there is not a single
indictment in sight for crimes committed against Bosnian Croats.
The Croatian government insists that the tribunal take action with
regard to those crimes, he said.
Considering the latest arrest of two Bosnian Croats, we want to
confirm that in an attempt to avoid the risk associated with the use
of force, Croatia partly encouraged the voluntary surrender of the
Simonovic recalled that architects of ethnic cleansing were
walking freely in Serbia and Serb-controlled Bosnia-Herzegovina.
General Mladic attends sporting events in Belgrade, associating
with former and present senior Yugoslav army officers some of whom
are responsible for crimes committed in Vukovar.
Radovan Karadzic, pulling strings in the Bosnian Serb Republic from
Pale, has given a television interview.
Milan Martic, who ordered the bombing of Zagreb and was accused of
that crime by the tribunal, lives in a villa in the immediate
vicinity of the SFOR headquarters in Banja Luka, the ambassador
(hina) vm mm
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