( Editorial: --> 9659 )
ZAGREB, Dec 19 (Hina) - Croatia has this year eliminated all
pressure and strengthened its international position, the head of
the Croatian Government's Communications Office, Neven Jurica,
told reporters Friday.
Jurica spoke about the basic guidelines of Croatia's policy in 1997
and the success it achieved.
Through consistent, composed and sensible steps in the peaceful
reintegration of the eastern part of the country, Croatia has
proved its strength in and capability of establishing full
stability and security in the region, Jurica said.
Croatia had proven to be a trustworthy partner with the
international community in resolving the crisis in the region, he
Jurica said that by establishing full diplomatic relations with
Israel, Croatia completed the process of being internationally
recognised and establishing diplomatic relations with all major
world countries.
He was satisfied with the fact that Schengen convention countries
had included Croatia among countries whose citizens will as of
January 1, 1999 no longer require visas to enter the convention's
Commenting on SFOR's action in central Bosnia Thursday, Jurica said
"the brutality SFOR special units used in the arrest of Vlatko
Kupreskic and Ante Furundzija in Vitez was unnecessary and
"The level of violence against those who showed maximum cooperation
with the Hague tribunal and who, as the least numerous people in
Bosnia-Herzegovina, suffered the most during the war, is
appalling," Jurica said.
He asked what was being done about war criminals from the other
nationalities, those who committed crimes against Croats.
Speaking about an announced SFOR military exercise on Croatian
territory, Jurica said "they cannot perform exercises on the
sovereign territory of a sovereign state, without previous
consultation or a request for permission".
Asked for an assessment of a Christmas message by Zagreb Archbishop
Josip Bozanic, Jurica said the message read as the voice of moral
"That message accordingly complements the aspirations and messages
President Tudjman forwarded to members of the Croatian National
Parliament and the whole Croatian people in his address yesterday,"
Jurica said.
He stressed Bozanic's words coincided with the increasingly
successful efforts of Croatia's authorities to resolve social
issues and to stop unbridled capitalism.
Asked about yesterday's resolution of the European Parliament
which voiced concern for the activity of independent associations
and media in Croatia, Jurica said he believed the resolution took
insufficient consideration of facts related to the instances it
referred to.
(hina) ha mm
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