( Editorial: --> 8707 )
ZAGREB, Dec 16 (Hina) - Croatian President Franjo Tudjman received
the UN transitional administrator for eastern Croatia, William
Walker, on Tuesday.
According to a statement of the President's Office, both parties
positively assessed the activity of the National Committee for the
restoration of trust, and expressed satisfaction with the fact that
the UNTAES mandate will successfully end on January 15, 1998, as one
of the most successful UN missions ever.
President Tudjman said the Croatian government will, even after the
UNTAES leaves, continue with the policy which brought to a
successful termination of the peaceful reintegration of the Danube
river region of eastern Croatia.
Also present at the meeting were the President's chief of staff
Hrvoje Sarinic, the president of the National Committee, Vesna
Skare-Ozbolt, the President's advisor for foreign affairs, Neven
Madey, Walker's deputy Souren Seraydarian and advisor Michael
(hina) ha jn
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