( Editorial: --> 8556 )
GENEVA, Dec 15 (Hina) - Croatia on Monday signed international
agreements on copyright and recording and performance at the
headquarters of the World Intellectual Property Organisation
(WIPO) in Geneva.
The director of the State Authority for Intellectual Property,
Nikola Kopcic, signed the two agreements on behalf of Croatia.
The signing of the agreements means that a long, necessary step has
been taken in the protection of copyright generally and,
especially, in the protection of all forms of sound emission, such
as gramophone records, compact discs and audio and video
By adopting these conventions, Croatia finally has a legal base for
coordinating its legislation with the demands and criteria of the
World Trade Organisation (WTO) in areas which had not been
regulated up to now.
Croatia will, within WIPO, in January 1998 take over coordination
of the regional group of countries from central and eastern
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