( Editorial: --> 8557 )
SISAK, 15 Dec (Hina) - The head of the Mission of the Organisation
for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Croatia, Tim
Guldimann, on Monday visited Sisak (some 50 km south-east of
Zagreb), where he met with Sisak County Prefect Djuro Brodarac.
The main topics of talks between Guldimann and Brodarac, which were
held behind closed doors, were the implementation of an agreement
on the two-way return of displaced people and the establishment of
Guldimann said the talks confirmed considerable progress not only
in the personal but also legal security of citizens who are
returning to their homes.
The OSCE would inform the international community about difficult
economic circumstances in Sisak County, which were caused by the
war, Guldimann said.
He added he would see that the international community financially
supported reconstruction and normalisation of life in the area.
Prefect Brodarac said 4,211 Serbs had returned to the area, adding
that 14,361 Bosnian Croat had refugees settled in the area.
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