( Editorial: --> 8297 )
BELI MANASTIR, Dec 14 (Hina) - A rebuilt Evangelical church was
opened in the eastern Croatian town of Beli Manastir on Sunday
evening in the presence of a large number of believers and
dignitaries from home and abroad.
Peter Kuzmic, president of the Evangelical Church in Croatia, said
during the first service in six years that all people living in that
area and those who would return should "build their future in love
and peace".
Reconstruction and Development Minister Jure Radic sent a telegram
expressing congratulations on the reconstruction of the church.
All six Evangelical churches in the Croatian Danube river region
were destroyed or damaged during the war. The church in Beli
Manastir was the first to have been rebuilt while the one in Vukovar
would be opened soon.
(hina) vm
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