( Editorial: --> 8073 )
KARLOVAC/VOJNIC, 13 Dec (Hina) - Around 4,800 to 5,000 Serbs have
returned to the area of Karlovac (central Croatia) from the
Croatian Danube river region (UN-administered area) and the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
The returnees left their homes during the Croatian military
operation 'Storm' in 1995.
The return of Serbs was intensified in the last couple of months.
Karlovac authorities are still caring for some 13,000 displaced
people and refugees. Some 3,000 Bosnian Croat refugees are
accommodated in abandoned Serb houses in Karlovac area.
Some eight hundred Croats from Banja Luka and central Bosnia are
accommodated in the municipality of Krnjak. There has been an
organised return of some 650 Serbs to Krnjak.
The return of 1,078 Serbs to the municipality of Vojnic was also
organised. Vojnic also received 1,980 Croat refugees, mainly from
A serious problem is the return of property of Serb returnees
because Croat refugees from Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia are
temporarily accommodated in Serb houses, Vojnic municipal
authorities say.
That is why Serb returnees, who have been living with their
relatives for the past several months, have filed 280 requests for
the return of their property and houses.
'No one will be thrown out on the streets', Vojnic municipal leaders
Vojnic also received 60 Croat families - Bosnian Croat refugees and
Homeland war veterans, who settled in Vojnic at the invitation of
the Reconstruction and Development Ministry.
(hina) rm
131620 MET dec 97
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