( Editorial: --> 7098 )
ZAGREB, 9 Dec (Hina) - The Presidency of the governing Croatian
Democratic Union (HDZ) party held a session yesterday under the
chairmanship of its president Franjo Tudjman.
The HDZ Presidency pledged the Government to find ways in the
application of value added tax which would enable Croat emigrant
returnees not to pay taxes on imported equipment, a statement from
the HDZ general secretariat said Tuesday.
Discussing the objections on possible negative effects of the
application of VAT in publishing and intellectual work, the HDZ
Presidency pledged the Government to consider the possibility of
removing all possible negative consequences.
The HDZ Presidency also discussed numerous current political and
internal party questions.
It discussed the results of repeated elections for the County
Assembly of Primorsko-goranska County and representative bodies of
12 towns and municipalities.
It was established that HDZ's election failure in Primorsko-
goranska County was caused by general social and political
circumstances, and by weaknesses in the HDZ in Primorsko-goranska
Not disputing the election victory of the leftist Social-
Democratic Party (SDP) coalition, an analysis of election results
shows that the number of voters of the coalition is not increasing
compared to the elections in April 1997, the HDZ Presidency said,
adding the election success was achieved also by election tactics
and the appearance of rightist parties.
The HDZ Presidency believes that the current situation can be
changed through the solution of economic and social problems,
radical personnel and organisational changes in the forthcoming
internal party elections, as well as through organisational
changes in the HDZ in Primorsko-goranska County, the statement
(hina) jn rm
092010 MET dec 97
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