( Editorial: --> 6417 )
TORONTO, Dec 6 (Hina) - Croatian Deputy Foreign Minister Ivo
Sanader, heading a Croatian delegation to the conference on mine
ban in Ottawa, held talks in Toronto on Saturday with
representatives of the Croatian community in Canada.
Sanader informed the Croatian emigrants about the main aims of
Croatia's foreign politics, with an accent on the completion of the
UNTAES mandate.
Sanader also informed the Croatian representatives about Croatia's
efforts aimed at an effective implementation of the Washington and
Dayton agreements. Croatia paid special attention to the
protection of interests of Croats in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
He also spoke about the achievements in Croatian economy, and
called the members of the Croatian community in Canada to return to
the homeland in as great a number as possible.
(hina) lm
062026 MET dec 97
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