( Editorial: --> 6934 )
ZAGREB, Oct 30 (Hina) - "We deem the decision to quash the subpoena
to Croatia and Defence Minister Gojko Susak as an exceptional
international success of the Republic of Croatia," Croatian
Foreign Minister Mate Granic told reporters after Thursday's
session of the Croatian government.
The decision, according to Granic, had been expected.
The Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for the
Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) on Wednesday decided that the Tribunal
could not issue a subpoena duces tecum to sovereign states or their
officials, and annulled the subpoena forwarded to Croatia.
This decision was very important for the defence of the dignity of
Croatia which had showed that it wanted to and could cooperate with
the Tribunal in The Hague, Granic said.
Croatia respected international legal norms, he said, stressing
Croatia's determination to do everything to defend its interests.
Granic stressed that Croatia had received support from numerous
countries during the discussion on the subpoena, as well as after
the decision had been brought.
Asked when the public would become acquainted with the draft
agreement on special relations between Croatia and the Bosnian
Federation, Granic said that the draft agreement might be made
public next week.
The draft agreement would first be submitted to the Bosnian
Federation, after which it would be made public, Granic added.
(hina) lm
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