( Vidi vijest: 5525 )
VUKOVAR, Oct 24 (Hina) - The Vukovar city administration welcomes
the progress in the peaceful reintegration of the Danube river
region of eastern Croatia and will do everything for the UNTAES
mandate to be completed in due time, Vukovar mayor Vladimir Stengl
told reporters Friday.
Stengl announced the establishment of local committees for the
restoration of trust, but warned that the formal act of their
establishment was not sufficient.
" The real restoration of trust is necessary. It is one of our
primary tasks, and I call on all to act to that end", mayor Stengl
said, adding that trust had to a certain degree already been
Stengl announced that on 28 October the first tenants would move in
into the Dunav I high-rise, reconstructed by the European Union.
These are people who lived in the high-rise before the war, and will
move in regardless of their national or other differences.
The mayor of Vukovar also announced that over 500 Vukovar displaced
persons would visit the town's cemeteries on All Saints' Day.
Stengl thanked the UNTAES and Komunalac, a local company, for
organizing the visit and clearing up mines, and for thoroughly
cleaning up Vukovar's Catholic cemetery for the occasion.
(hina) ha jn
241558 MET oct 97
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