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ZAGREB, Oct 14 (Hina) - The National Committee for implementing a
programme on the establishment of trust, accelerated return, and
normalization of living conditions, which the Croatian government
adopted on 2 October, held its first session in Zagreb on Tuesday.
According to Committee president Vesna Skare Ozbolt, the
implementation of the trust establishment programme is a significant
pre-condition for completing the reintegration of the Danube river
region of eastern Croatia, and a vital interest of Croatia. She
recalled that the administrative, economic and judicial
reintegration of the region was completed.
"The Danube region is where Croatia's greatest suffering took
place", Skare Ozbolt said, adding the trust establishment programme
would have its biggest test there.
Croatia wants the trust establishment and accelerated return
process to start as soon as possible, so that peace and legal order
could rule in the country, and in order for Croatia to be able to
concentrate on interior development after the international peace
force leaves its territory.
The highest Croatian officials will publicly call for
forgiving, tolerance and co-existence, thus creating a climate for
the establishment of trust among all Croatian citizens.
Through legal, financial and social programmes, Croatian
ministries should show people, regardless of their nationality, that
they are equals in all their rights and duties.
"In this way, Croatian citizens of Serb nationality should
gain trust towards the Croatian state which implements the politics
of equality of all its citizens in a real and not just declaratory
manner", Skare Ozbolt said.
This could be achieved, she pointed out, only if citizens of
Serb nationality accept the Croatian state as their own homeland,
which will be demonstrated by the degree and the manner in which
they comply with their duties.
"The establishment of trust cannot be a one-sided process (…)
both sides must make efforts to make it work", Skare Ozbolt said.
"It is in the Serb population's interest that they settle their
issues in cooperation with Croatian authorities", she stressed.
The trust establishment programme also deals with the
accelerated return of displaced Croats and Hungarians to the
Croatian Danube region, and the return of Serbs to other parts of
Croatia if they want so. Croatian displaced persons should support
the programme as well.
Local authorities in the Danube region, of which the majority
are representatives of the Croatian Democratic Union Party and the
Serb Democratic Independent Party, have the responsibility to
eliminate as soon as possible obstructions to the functioning of
authorities in the region, Ozbolt said.
She pointed out the significance of tolerance as the leading
principle the media should make use of in reporting on and working
out the programme.
The role of the National Committee is to follow the
implementation of the trust establishment programme, she added.
The Committee's vice presidents Ivica Vrkic and Vojislav
Stanimirovic will establish a joint office in the Danube region,
Ozbolt said, adding regional offices will be established in war-
ravaged areas.
After Ozbolt's introductory speech, the meeting continued
without the reporters' presence.
(hina) ha jn
141734 MET oct 97
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