PLOCE, Oct 21 (Hina) - The US merchant ship "Advantage" arrived in
the southern Croatian Adriatic port of Ploce on Tuesday with 7,086
tonnes of humanitarian aid destined for the war-affected
population of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
The shipment, including about 5,000 tonnes of wheat and 300 cooking
oil, was donated by the UN humanitarian organisation the World Food
About half a million tonnes of food has been delivered to Bosnia-
Herzegovina through Ploce port since the establishment of the
organisation's office in Ploce in 1993.
The ship, which arrived from Houston, also brought a shipment of the
US relief agency "Umcor" which donated 117 tonnes of warm blankets,
clothing, medical and school equipment, and 1,615 tonnes of flour,
which will be distributed by the agency's office in Sarajevo.
(hina) vm
211136 MET oct 97
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