ZAGREB, Sept 21 (Hina)- On occasion of the upcoming visit of Turkish
President Suleyman Demirel to Croatia, Croatian President Franjo
Tudjman gave an interview to the Turkish news agency EKA
During the interview, Tudjman described relations between
Croatia and Turkey as "friendly and developed".
"Turco-Croat cooperation can serve in every respect as a model
for building friendly relations between countries belonging to
different cultural spheres," Tudjman said.
During the present crisis and war in Bosnia-Herzegovina,
"Turkey has played an important role in building relations of
confidence between the Croat and Bosniac peoples, in the
establishment of the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina, and in the
reinforcement of the peace process. All these numerous ties gave
rise to the need for frequent meetings of the two presidents, which
in their turn, resulted in my personal friendly relations with
President Demirel.
His opinions and advice have had a positive bearing both on
the Moslem and on the Croat side in the consideration of the
strategic moves which have led to the establishment of peace and
current relations," Tudjman said.
Asked about the future of relations between Croatia and
Turkey, Tudjman said, "As I have already noted, the political-
governmental relations between the two states are excellent,
friendly and stable, and in this regard we can only look forward to
their future progress".
"So far we have signed the Agreement on Economic cooperation,
the Agreement on the Protection of Investments, and on the occasion
of the visit of President Demirel, we shall sign the Agreement on
the Avoidance of Double Taxation. This will round off the legal
framework for the future development and promotion of trade and
economic relations. The value of the current trade between the two
countries amounts to US $ 40 to 50 million, but I believe that there
are good preconditions for its substantial improvement," Tudjman
"Further development of trade could be promoted by the
establishment of a free trade zone in the future, once all the
prerequisites have been provided for. Analogously, the establishment
of a ferry line between Turkish and Croatian ports would directly
promote trilateral relations among Turkey, Croatia and the
Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
In the political field, I am sure that Turkey, as a member of
the NATO, can support our strategic objectives - integration into
Transantlantic institutions and, specifically, into Partnership for
As a whole, I believe that there are solid foundations for
comprehensive cooperation in all fields," Tudjman said.
Asked which steps were necessary in order to institutionalise peace
in the Balkans and the former Yugoslavia, Tudjman said, "Let me
repeat the assessment that the Republic of Turkey has made a major
contribution to stopping the war and initiating the peace process,
recognising the causes underlying the conflict and the aggressor,
which have again turned the Balkans into a 'powder keg' just as many
times in history. In spite of the signs of instability, which are
the result of the complex situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina where
peoples belonging to three different civilisations face and confront
one another, I believe that the political framework for the
solution of this very serious crisis exists, and that it is
comprised in the Washington and Dayton agreements.
The indispensable peace can be achieved through the consistent
implementation of these agreements, and Croatia endorses their
implementation by words and deeds".
"Any other interpretation and attempt to impose a different
solution involves the risk of new conflicts.
The Croato-Bosniac Federation, and its special relations with
Croatia, is the key to the solution of the problem of relations in
Bosnia-Herzegovina, and its implementation is a continuous task. A
new impulse to this was provided in my August 6 meeting in Split
with the President of the Presidency of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Mr.
Izetbegovic, and the representatives of the Croatian people in the
Federation, as well as with the representatives of the United States
of America.
Good neighbourly relations and normal cooperation should be
established in the area of the former Yugoslavia in which new
independent and sovereign states have emerged, and this is one of
the essential frames of reference of Croatia's foreign policy,"
Tudjman said.
"I expect Turkey to sustain its past constructive role and
contribution, particularly with respect to the implementation of the
Croato-Bosniac Federation. In addition to having excellent relations
with the Republic of Croatia, Turkey has specific ties with the
Bosniac-Moslem people, which have also so far proved to be of great
value in the achievement of a peaceful solution," Tudjman said.
"It should be pointed out that the crisis in the former
Yugoslavia has been very complex for the international community and
international organisations, both because of different strategic
interests and because of the ignorance of the historical and
political causes underlying the disintegration of the former
community, which has also led in some cases to an absence of
condemnation of the aggressor. We owe gratitude to those countries,
statesmen and, first and foremost, humanitarian organisations whose
efficient assistance has helped to establish peace. However, as a
whole, I think that the international community has been neither
adequately efficient, nor united in preventing the cruellest war to
break out in Europe after the Second World War," Tudjman said.
"First and foremost, we expect the international community to
be fully responsible and efficient in the consistent implementation
of the Washington and Dayton agreements. Only an impartial and
balanced approach, with the full respect of the equality and
constituent character of the three peoples in Bosnia-Herzegovina,
will provide for the implementation of the 'Dayton formula' (one
state - two entities - three peoples, with the right of the two
entities to establish special relations with their neighbouring
parent nations) and, thus, for insuring peace in the region. This
will possibly require a longer involvement of the international
community than has originally been envisioned. Greater material aid
in caring for the refugees and displaced persons, and for the
reconstruction of economic life, is also required.
By the way, let me just mention that the Republic of Croatia,
as the victim of the Yugocommunist and Serbian aggression, has
suffered war damage amounting to US $ 25 billion, and that it has so
far financed the care for displaced persons and the reconstruction
of war-ravaged areas on its own, with only 10% of the cost having
been provided through international aid.
Finally, and I am talking specifically of the interest of the
Republic of Croatia, one should provide for the integration of the
region into European and Transatlantic economic and security
organisations, which would generally contribute to peace and
stability," Tudjman said.
Tudjman stressed that Croatia wanted to have normal, good
neighbourly relations with countries in the region and other
countries, but he opposed every attempt focused on integration
within Balkan or South-eastern European integrations.
Finally, he said, "I welcome with satisfaction the visit of my
friend President Demirel, who will be given a worthy reception and a
broad scope of opportunities for discussion of all topics, and that
will contribute to promoting and expanding the friendly relations
between our peoples and states in many fields.
Along with the best wishes for the welfare of the Turkish
people - and Croatia follows internal developments attentively - let
me point out the importance, for Turkey and Croatia alike, of
safeguarding independence in the achievement of national and state
interests because of the continuous presence of contradictions in
the international community. While sustaining and developing
democratic order on the domestic scene, we must continue to provide
our own contribution to peace and the strengthening of stability in
the present-day world, and particularly in our own environment.
On the threshold of the new millennium we must endeavour to
achieve these goals together, particularly because our region is
also distinguished by the confrontation of civilisational
differences. We must seek solutions which will free the entire
Balkan region, as well as the regions of central and South-eastern
Europe linked with it, of the liabilities of the past, in order to
build a new international order which will take into account all
historical experience and all the reality of the present-day state
of affairs.
This is definitely not an easy task, because the depth and
complexity of the current Balkan crisis certainly bears witness to
the civilisational dimensions of the conflict. However, if the
international factors grasp the necessity of appreciating this fact,
I am convinced that purposeful solutions can be found in the
interest of peace and of stability of a new international order in
the region.
(hina) lm
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