VUKOVAR, Oct 15 (Hina) - The Croatian river and sea ports
association met representatives of the transport ministry and the
chamber of commerce in Vukovar on Wednesday to discuss future
river traffic with Yugoslavia (Serbia/Montenegro) and Bosnia-
All Croatian ports' directors agreed on offering together
help in the reconstruction of the Vukovar port.
According to a report broadcast by the Croatian Television
(HTV) on Wednesday evening, ports' representatives described as
a priority the resumption of traffic along the Danube river at
the border with Yugoslavia. The signing of an agreement between
the two countries on this issue can be expected soon, as this is
a part of an international navigable route.
Navigable waterways will be established along the Sava
river at the border with Bosnia and along the Drava river area
under the UN Transitional Administration (UNTAES).
The HTV said that about 70 million kunas (approximately
U.S. 11 million) would be earmarked for the development of
Croatian inland ports, and a half of that amount should be
allocated for the development of the navigable waterway along the
Renovation of the Vukovar port began in the mid-1996, and
Belgium helped much to reconstruct it by giving 6 million kuna
(about one million dollars) for this purpose.
All of the Croatian ports agreed that they would donate
200,000 kunas (about 33,000 dollars) to the Vukovar port for its
reconstruction, the Croatian television said.
(hina) mš
152242 MET oct 97
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