VUKOVAR, 9 Oct (Hina) - The President of the Joint Council of
Municipalities of Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium,
Milos Vojnovic, described the last report by the U.N. Secretary
General on the situation in the Croatian Danube river region as a
realistic description of the situation in the area, a statement
from the Joint Council press centre said.
In its statement from yesterday's press conference held by
Milos Vojnovic and the president of the Serb Democratic
Independent Party (SDSS) and Parliament representative Vojislav
Stanimirovic, to which the correspondents of the Croatian media
were not invited, the press centre said that Vojnovic had
expressed hope that obligations underlined in signed agreements
would be fulfilled within the UNTAES mandate.
The U.N. Secretary General signals with his report to the
Security Council that the deadline for the transfer of authority
from UNTAES to Croatia should be extended for two months,
Stanimirovic said, adding he supported the continuation of the
presence of U.N. Civil Police in the area after the completion of
the U.N. mandate, the statement said.
Speaking about the Government Program for Re-establishment
of Trust, Stanimirovic said that it was comprehensive and
expressed wish for its speedy implementation. He also said that
'the introductory part should be removed from the document as it
has nothing with reconciliation and restoration of trust between
the two peoples'.
Vojnovic expressed dissatisfaction of the local Serb
leadership with a recently signed declaration on the
reintegration of judiciary, adding that according to the
declaration the percentage of Serbs in the judiciary in the area
was barely 30%, said the statement.
(hina) rm
092254 MET oct 97
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