ZAGREB, Oct 6 (Hina) - Last Thursday (October 2), the Croatian
Government adopted a programme for establishment of trust,
accelerated return and normalisation of living conditions in the
war-ravaged Croatian area. The following is the full text of the
Taking into consideration that a part of the Serb minority in the
Republic of Croatia participated in aggression against Croatia, and
with the impetus and aid of Serbia and Montenegro and the so-called
Yugoslav Peoples Army, instigated, engaged in or supported an armed
rebellion, the aim of which was to secede Croatian territories in
favour of Serbia and Montenegro;
Whereas during the armed rebellion and aggression against Croatia
many criminal acts, grave breaches of international humanitarian law
and of the basic rights of the individual were committed;
Whereas during the war emotional and inappropriate language was used
in the private and public area so as to generalize guilt and
strengthen feelings of hate and division;
Taking into consideration the will of the people of the former
Socialist Republic of Croatia expressed at a referendum on 19 May
1991, regarding the future of their republic in the circumstances of
the disintegration of the former Socialist Federal Republic of
Proceeding from the Constitutional Decision on the Sovereignty and
Independence of the Republic of Croatia, passed by the Croatian
Parliament (Sabor) on 25 June 1991 in response to the will of the
people expressed through the referendum, and the Decision of the
Croatian Parliament (Sabor) passed on 8 October 1991, in which the
Republic of Croatia severed all constitutional and legal ties with
the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and proclaimed
its independence;
Also taking into consideration that the largest part of the occupied
territories which were under the control of the rebel and other
aggressor forces have been liberated; that is, that the greater part
of the territories identified by the United Nations General Assembly
resolution 49/43 of 9 December 1994 have been successfully
reintegrated into the constitutional and legal system of the
Republic of Croatia, and that with the completion of the UNTAES
mandate pursuant to the Basic Agreement on the Croatian Danube
region the last part of Croatian State territory will also be
successfully and permanently reintegrated into the constitutional
and legal system of the Republic of Croatia;
Whereas the Government of the Republic of Croatia strives to promote
a way of life in which forgiveness, tolerance, coexistence and equal
rights of all its citizens are a foundation for progress and
Reiterating that many citizens who took part in the armed rebellion
against the Republic of Croatia have sought and been granted
Croatian documents, and that they have by this act accepted all the
rights and obligations which derive from Croatian citizenship,
including respect for and defence of the territorial integrity and
sovereignty of Croatia, and that they have accepted the Republic of
Croatia as their homeland and have expressed the wish to be included
in its political, economic, and social life, and in that way to
contribute to its prosperity.
Whereas that the restoration of trust between all its citizens is of
vital interest for the development of the Republic of Croatia as a
state and as a respected member of the international community of
Whereas it is unconstitutional to distinguish between the former
parties in conflict on the basis of ethnicity as such a distinction
results in collective guilt and ignores individual responsibility
for crimes, and also ignores the positive role of members of various
ethnic groups during the hostilities;
Given that by the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia and the
Croatian Constitutional Law on Human Rights and Freedoms and on the
Rights of Ethnic or National Communities and Minorities, as well as
Croatia's succession to or ratification of the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant
on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, as well as the Final Act of
the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Paris
Charter for a New Europe and other relevant documents of the OSCE
with regard to human rights, the Convention for the Protection of
Human Rights and Basic Freedoms and its Related Protocol, the
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial
Discrimination, the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of
the Crime of Genocide, and the Convention on the Rights of the
Child, the legal foundations for the implementation of the highest
international standards in the field of human rights have been
Whereas the Republic of Croatia has adopted and is implementing the
Law on General Amnesty;
The Government of the Republic of Croatia thereby adopts a
On this occasion the Government of the Republic of Croatia
emphasizes with regard to all its citizens that it shall respect,
protect and promote human rights, national and other basic rights,
as well as all other human rights and freedoms and civil rights, the
rule of law and all other high values contained in the Constitution
and the international legal system.
The Government of the Republic of Croatia guarantees to uphold full
freedoms, equality and security for all its citizens on all of its
The Government of the Republic of Croatia supports the uniform
development of all regions of the Republic.
The goals of the Program on the Establishment of Trust, Accelerated
Return and Normalization of Living Conditions in the War Affected
Regions of the Republic of Croatia (hereinafter, the program) are
the following:
1. the creation of a general climate of tolerance and security;
2. the realization of equality of all citizens with regard to the
State administration;
3. the establishment of trust between all citizens of the Republic
of Croatia;
4. the creation of general social, political, security and economic
conditions for normalization of life in the war affected regions of
the Republic of Croatia;
5. the speedy, secured and organized return of all Croatian citizens
to those regions of Croatia from which they were expelled or
6. the inclusion of all citizens of the Republic of Croatia in the
building of democratic society within the framework of the existing
democratic system;
7. the creation of a political framework for the implementation of
relevant legal norms.
The Government of the Republic of Croatia shall establish a National
Committee for monitoring the realization of the Program. The
National Committee shall in cooperation with other bodies of the
State administration pass measures it deems necessary for the
realization of the Program, and it will submit its reports on the
implementation of the Program to the President and the Government of
the Republic of Croatia.
The chairman and members of the National Committee shall be named by
the President of the Republic on the recommendation of the Prime
Minister. The chairman of the National Committee shall determine the
co-ordinators for different regions.
The counties, cities and municipalities shall establish and name the
members of committees for monitoring the realization of the Program
in their areas. The structure of these committees shall be the same
as the structure of the National Committee. The county, city and
municipal committees shall submit their reports on the realization
of the Program to the National Committee.
The program shall be realized particularly, but not exclusively, in
the following fields: political, legal, administrative, internal
affairs, economic, social, cultural, educational, reconstruction and
return and the media.
1. Political
The political field of the Program shall particularly, but not
exclusively, consist of the following:
public statements by the highest state officials as well as by
mayors and heads of municipal governments through state and local
media explaining the goals, purposes, needs and methods for
realizing the Program;
a statement by the Prime Minister reaffirming that the Government
supports the uniform development of all regions in the Republic and
guarantees full freedoms, equality and security for all its citizens
on its entire territory;
recommendations to the media to use language based on tolerance,
moderateness and coexistence, and to promote tolerance as the
leading principle in reporting and the preparation of programming;
recommendations to professional, religious and other associations
to institute their own programs of tolerance, reconciliation ad
to publicly, directly and responsibly consider all questions and
difficulties which arise during the realization of the Program.
2. Legal
The legal field of the Program shall particularly, but not
exclusively, consist of the following:
a public statement reiterating the Government's commitment to
respect the highest international standards in the field of human
completing the steps aimed at harmonizing internal legislation
with the international legal responsibilities that Croatia has
undertaken in the field of human rights;
increasing the efforts of the Ministry of Justice aimed at the
removal of uncertainties in regard to the implementation of the Law
on General Amnesty and guaranteeing the termination of steps taken
against suspects where there is insufficient evidence that war
crimes have been committed;
the Ministry of Justice, through the justice system, shall ensure
that all individuals against whom there is substantiated suspicion
of having committed war crimes during the Homeland War shall be
brought to trial, without prejudice to which side they were on. The
Justice Ministry shall in turn notify the International Criminal
Tribunal for the former SFRY of these proceedings. In this regard,
special responsibility rests with the investigatory and justice
bodies to establish the truth and to reach the appropriate decisions
and/or judgements;
preparing a program for informing the public of the position,
role and functions of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Croatia
within the State administration.
3. Administration and Internal Affairs
The areas of administration and internal affairs shall particularly
include, but not be limited to:
informing all state employees and officials of this program and
emphasizing the need for increased attention and responsibility
towards the equality of all citizens;
initiating measures against those state employees and officials
that act contrary to the Program;
public re-affirmation of the Government's obligation regarding
the ethnic composition of the police force in the reintegrated
educating police officers in respect of working in an area of
return of refugees and displaced persons, and also of the contents
and spirit of this Program;
the Ministry for Internal Affairs shall undertake measures and
such actions as are necessary in order to prevent all manner of
illegal activities and incidents;
4. Economic Affairs
The economic area of the Program shall include the following
measures of the Government and responsible ministries:
ensuring, within the limitations of the budget, the economic
development of the reintegrated areas;
classifying the reintegrated area as a priority in the
reconstruction and development of the country;
a public statement by the Minister for Reconstruction and
Development of equal access to finance for reconstruction for all
Croatian citizens;
organizing a donors' conference for the purpose of collecting
international aid for the reconstruction and development of the
reintegrated area and the implementation of this Program;
a public statement by the Minister for Labor and Social Security
about non-discrimination in the employment of Croatian citizens in
public enterprises and the state administration;
implementation of active policy measures regarding employment,
stimulating employment growth and self-employment;
a public statement by the Prime Minister that the funds received
as reparations and restitution and the funds arising from succession
to the former SFRY shall be expended in the area where war damage
was incurred for the purpose of its reconstruction and development;
undertaking measures to create a uniform level of economic
development on the whole territory of the country, so that citizens
living in the reintegrated area shall be ensured of equal living
ensuring the financing of local government in the war affected
regions from the resources of the budget and the implementation of
the taxation system at the local government level for the collection
of legally determined dues from taxpayers in the region;
the development and implementation of measures within the
competence of the Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry for the
purpose of a quicker and more efficient redevelopment of
agricultural and livestock production in the reintegrated areas;
intensifying work on the organisation of a system of tourist
communities, preparation and implementation of a system of subsidies
and other stimulative measures for the organisation of tourism in
the reintegrated areas.
5. Social Affairs
Social problems amongst the citizens of the Republic of Croatia
arise mostly from the large number of losses of human life, war
damages and the transitional phase of economic development.
The different level of economic development and the financing of
development and reconstruction almost exclusively from domestic
sources has further increased social difficulties.
The Government shall strive for the social well being of its
citizens, and to that end shall undertake the following measures:
in the areas of labor, social security, health services and
employment, all laws of the Republic of Croatia shall be implemented
in the same manner for all Croatian citizens;
the organization of local authorities and the re-employment of
those persons previously employed in the corresponding rebel
authorities by the health and social security systems of the
Republic of Croatia shall be accelerated;
the reconstruction of and, according to needs and capabilities,
establishment and development of new institutions for social
assistance; centers for social assistance, children's homes, homes
for the elderly and other institutions in the reintegrated area;
to ensure basic health services in the reintegrated area
according to the standards which apply to all Croatian citizens;
to continue monitoring the humanitarian circumstances in
cooperation with humanitarian organizations and the United Nations
and directing humanitarian activities towards the most needy areas.
6. Media
In view of the important place of the media in a democratic society,
the Government shall recommend that:
the media promote the equality of all citizens and the need to
coexist in tolerance as the only democratically acceptable way of
the media promote the rights of citizens which derive from the
legal system of the Republic of Croatia;
the media promote an atmosphere of tolerance, coexistence,
respect for human rights and dialogue for the resolution of future
7. Culture
The Government of the Republic of Croatia shall continue to support:
clear and unequivocal respect for cultural heritage;
ensuring of cultural activity for all of its citizens,
individually and collectively;
the establishment of cultural associations for the purpose of
preservation of national and ethnic identity;
the protection of monuments and cultural artefacts.
The Ministry of Culture shall, within the scope of its competence,
set out and monitor the realization of these measures and will
inform the National Committee in this regard.
The following are designated as priority cultural programs in the
war affected areas: evaluation of war damage to cultural monuments;
reconstruction and repair of cultural monuments and cultural
institutions; protection and restoration of movable cultural
monuments; reestablishment of museum activities; renovation of
libraries and library stock; renovation of cultural centers; the
operation and revitalization of cultural and artistic societies;
protection, repair and preservation of the natural heritage and
international cooperation in programs, particularly UNESCO and the
Council of Europe.
8. Education
In the implementation of the Program in the reintegrated area, the
Ministry of Education and Sport shall, within the scope of its
competence and in addition to its regular activities, give special
attention to the implementation of:
seminars for teachers and instructors in all the fields of study;
seminars for directors, executives and accountants;
competitions, student meetings and field-days;
special programs and activities for gifted students;
music and sport competitions for students;
elementary and high school programs which promote tolerance,
equality and respect for human rights.
The Ministry of Science and Technology will consider the need and
conditions for the establishment of colleges and universities in the
reintegrated area and develop mechanisms for providing state
scholarships for exceptional students from this area and to students
who wish to seek employment in this area.
9. Reconstruction and Return
The Government of the Republic of Croatia shall undertake the
necessary measures for the purpose of accelerating reintegration of
the area under the temporary administration of UNTAES through
creating all of the necessary conditions in this area, and in the
other areas of the Republic of Croatia, so as to bring about the
fastest, most secure and organized return of Croatian citizens. The
return of displaced persons to the area under temporary
administration of UNTAES, as well as of Croatian citizens
temporarily accommodated in that area to other parts of the Republic
of Croatia, will be implemented through the mechanism agreed upon in
the Agreement concerning the operative steps of return which was
signed by the Government of the Republic of Croatia, UNHCR and
In the areas of return, it is necessary to undertake additional
steps to improve the functioning of the legal system, ensure the
functioning of the infrastructure and economy, accelerate the
reconstruction of houses and enable public and private enterprise to
function immediately.
The returnees will be ensured of reconstruction of their homes or
will be provided temporary accommodation, be granted the status of
returnee, be provided with the possibility of employment or
agricultural occupation on their farms and provided with social
welfare within the framework of the limits of the Republic of
It is especially necessary to emphasize the need for the financing
this process by international institutions responsible for caring
for displaced persons, refugees and returnees.
Cooperation with all of the municipal commissions will be
intensified in the area of return, and particularly their
supervision, furthermore the revision of all administrative
decisions issued in accordance with the Law on Temporary Takeover
and Use of Certain Property shall also be intensified.
Strengthened coordination with other administrative bodies will be
ensured, particularly with the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the
purpose of better organization of the return of persons who left
their residences and their property.
Precise instructions will be elaborated concerning the
implementation of the Law on the Temporary Takeover and Use of
Certain Property, especially in the context of recent decisions of
the Constitutional Court and the forthcoming amendments, with the
aim of avoiding any misunderstandings in their implementation.
Efforts will be made to acquaint each municipality of the
implementation of the law and to accelerate the return of the owners
to their homes.
Special effort will be exerted in the work with international
organizations, UNTAES, UNHCR and others, for the purpose of
obtaining material assistance for the reconstruction of residential
housing, namely to accelerate the returns to the reintegrated area.
(hina) jn mš rm
061558 MET oct 97
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