WASHINGTON, Sept 19 (Hina) - The UN Security Council expressed on
Thursday its deep concern at "the lack of substantial progress by
the Government of the Republic of Croatia in fulfilling the
conditions and tasks that are key to the transfer of executive
authority to the Republic of Croatia in the territories of Eastern
Slavonia, Baranja, and Western Sirmium," according to the UN SC
presidential statement.
According to the statement read at a New York session by this
month's president, U.S. Ambassador Bill Richardson, the Security
Council called upon the Croatian Government "to meet its obligations
and commitments and to take immediate action" in several areas.
The Croatian Government was asked to "remove all
administrative and legal obstacles to the two-way return of all
displaced persons as well as to the return of refugees."
Croatian authorities were also requested "to ensure security
and social and economic opportunity including property rights for
all returnees; to take effective measures to prevent harassment of
returnees; to implement measures to establish effective local
government administrations; to ensure the regular payment of
benefits to all pension and welfare recipients and open Croatian
pension offices in the region."
Croatia was asked to "ensure further economic reintegration;
to initiate a country-wide public programme of national
reconciliation and curb media attacks on ethnic groups; and to
implement fully and fairly the Amnesty law and cooperate with the
International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia."
"In this context, the Security Council notes the recent
information provided by the Croatian Government on intended steps to
address some of these issues and urges the Croatian Government to
implement these steps without delay," the statement read.
The Security Council stressed that the "prompt completion of
the tasks outlined above, as well as the fulfilment by the Croatian
Government of its obligations under the Basic Agreement
(S/1995/951), the agreements between the Croatian Government and the
United Nations Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia …
(UNTAES) as well as the letter of the Croatian Government of 13
January 1997 (S/1997/27, annex) will determine the pace of further
devolution of executive authority for the civil administration to
the Croatian Government as well as further Council action."
At the end of the statement the Security Council urged all
parties to cooperate fully with UNTAES.
(hina) mš
191040 MET sep 97
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