ZAGREB, Aug 1 (Hina) - The Hague Tribunal Appeals Chamber granted
the Republic of Croatia the right to appeal the subpoena decision
and suspended the subpoena decision pending the disposal of the
appeal, the International War Crimes Tribunal (ICTY) said in a
statement on Friday.
In its Notice (of 25 July 1997), the Republic of Croatia
requested the Appeals Chamber to:
1. Review and set aside the opinion and order of the Trial Chamber,
dated back July 18, 1997;
2. Quash the subpoena duces tecum issued to the Republic of Croatia
and Defence Minister Gojko Susak on January 15, 1997;
3. Stay Trial Chamber II's order dated July 18, 1997, pending
resolution of the appeal, the statement read.
On 29 July 1997, the Appeals Chamber, consisting of Judge
Cassese (presiding), Judge Karibi-Whyte, Judge Li Judge Stephen and
Judge Vohrah rendered a Decision on the Admissibility of the Request
for Review by the Republic of Croatia of an Interlocutory Decision
of a Trial Chamber (issuance of subpoena duces tecum).
In its Decision, the Appeals Chamber declared admissible the
Republic of Croatia's request that it review the Decision on the
Objection of the Republic of Croatia to the Issuance of Subpoena
Duces Tecum, rendered by Trial Chamber II (consisting of Judge Kirk
McDonald (presiding), Judge Odio-Benito and Judge Jan), on 18 July
The crucial question of Croatia's right to appeal was examined
by the Chamber which stated that although "Croatia is not entitled
to invoke Rule 108 (…) since it is not a "Party", as defined by Rule
2 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, namely either 'the
Prosecutor or the Accused'," during the thirteen plenary session of
the Judges, "a new Rule was adopted, Rule 108bis, which enables
certain non-Parties only, namely States, to appeal interlocutory
decisions of the Trial Chambers under certain circumstances."
According to the statement, having admitted the request for review,
the Appeals Chamber stayed the execution of the subpoena in
question, pursuant to Rule 108bis (C), stating "although Article 29
of the Statute remains of course applicable as regards the
obligation of States to cooperate with the Tribunal, the subpoena at
issue cannot be executed while its validity is being challenged in
appellate proceedings."
The Appeals Chamber invited amicus curiae briefs to be
submitted by "States, non-governmental organisations and persons,"
on the following subjects:
(1) the power of a Judge or Trial Chamber of the International
Tribunal to issue a subpoena duces tecum, i.e. according to the
definition given by the Trial Chamber in its Decision of 18 July
1997, an order to a sovereign State compelling the production of
documents, but not necessarily implying the assertion of a power to
imprison and fine (…);
(2) the power of a Judge or Trial Chamber to make a request or
a issue a subpoena duces tecum to a high government official of a
(3) the appropriate remedies to be taken if there is non-
compliance with a subpoena duces tecum or request issued by a Judge
or Trial Chamber; and
(4) any other issue concerned in this matter, such as the
question of the national security interests of a sovereign State,"
the statement read.
The Appeals Chamber announced the following scheduling order:
1. The Republic of Croatia is to file its Brief by 18 August
2. The Prosecutor and Defence is to file any Briefs in Reply
by 8 September 1997;
3. The Republic of Croatia to file its Brief in Reply by 15
September 1997;
4. Any amicus curiae briefs to be filed by 15 September 1997,
the statement said at the end.
(hina) mm mš
011708 MET aug 97
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