THE HAGUE, July 20 (Hina) - Prior to the continuation of the trial of
Bosnian Croat General Tihomir Blaskic before the Hague Tribunal,
scheduled for July 21, Trial Chamber II of this international war crimes
tribunal confirmed its request that Croatia should turn over to the
Tribunal documents believed to be of evidentiary value in relations with
the Blaskic case.
This decision, made by Chamber Trial on (Friday) July 18, confirms
the power of the Hague Tribunal to issue a subpoena duces tecum to a
sovereign State to give requested documents, and dismisses Croatia's
objection that the International Tribunal does not have the authority
and power to issue such compulsory orders.
A lawyer of Blaskic's Defence, Anto Nobilo, commented on the latest
decision of the Hague Tribunal on late Saturday night's Croatian
Television news broadcast "Motrista".
"I hold that it is an absolutely illegal ruling-decision, and a
ruling that was handed over contrary to the opinion of the largest
number of state and legal experts who had gathered to solve the problem
a few months ago," Nobilo aid.
The Croatian lawyer said that a subpoena duces tecum meant that
appropriate remedies could be taken if there was non-compliance with
such an order. But, he explained, the Trial had no mandate to take
action against Croatia and it is only the UN Security Council that can
take action against a (UN member) State and States turn over a part of
their sovereignty to the Security Council by signing UN Charter.
Had the Security Council wanted to transfer such power to the
Tribunal, the Council would have written it in the Statute of the
Tribunal, Nobilo said.
He added that action could not be taken against a minister (of a
State), "as the minister has no his own will. Documents demanded from
him to give are not his ownership but the ownership of the Republic of
Croatia as these are archives, military archives."
"The Tribunal demands from (Croatian Defence) Minister Susak to
commit a criminal act of misuse of office and revelation of a state and
military secret," Nobilo said in the end.
(hina) mš
201055 MET jul 97
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