ZAGREB, July 29 (Hina) - At its session of 29 July 1997, after a discussion
in which Croatian parliamentary deputies and parliamentary parties' leaders
participated, the Croatian Parliament House of Representatives foreign
affairs committee adopted following conclusions:
1. The foreign affairs committee assesses that the Republic of Croatia
in comparison with all other states covered by competence of the
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), has
showed in its activities so far undoubtedly the highest degree of cooperation
with the International Criminal Tribunal, confirming in this way its abidance
by highest political and legal achievements of the international community.
2. In the context of such cooperation between the International
Criminal Tribunal and the Republic of Croatia, the foreign affairs committee
regrets to state that at the case of General Blaskic, the International +
Tribunal again issued subpoena duces tecum on 18 July 1997 to the
Republic of Croatia and its official demanding from them to submit a great
number of documents which have not been specified and which mostly
have not referred to Croatia, and, furthermore, encroach on the issue of the
national security. In this way, the International Criminal Tribunal has tensed
overall relations with Croatia.
In connection with this, the foreign affairs committee firmly supports
already presented international and legal arguments of the Croatian
Governments about impremissibility and unacceptability of such
communication between the International Criminal Tribunal and sovereign
states and their officials, especially as the Tribunal itself has admitted that+
is a precedent in international practice.
3. The foreign affairs committee agrees completely with the intention
of the Croatian Government to use all legal expedients, in connection with
the subpoena issued by the International Criminal Tribunal, in order to show
that the decision is legally groundless.
4. Regarding Croatia's Constitutional Law on cooperation with the
International Criminal Tribunal and relevant rules of international law, the
foreign affairs committee expresses its support to the Croatian Government
in cooperating further with the International Criminal Tribunal while taking
into consideration Croatia's national interests.
5. With regard to the importance of the issue for the security of the
State as well as for the international position of the Republic of Croatia, the
foreign affairs committee supports stands of the Croatian Government,
expressed in a statement of 21 July, and proposes that this aspect of
relations between Croatia and the International Criminal Tribunal be
considered at one of first Parliament's sessions in autumn and that the
international community be notified, in most suitable manner, of the adopted
stance of the Croatian Parliament.
(hina) mm mš
291806 MET jul 97
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