OSIJEK, July 21 (Hina) - A delegation of the German Federal Parliament's
Committee for Economic Cooperation and Development on Monday visited the
eastern Croatian town of Osijek.
They held talks with Deputy Prefect of the Osijek-Baranja County
Anica Horvat and the head of the County's Office for Economy, Drago
Tadic, which focused on possibilities and modes of future cooperation.
Present at the talks was also German Ambassador to Croatia Volker
In order to eliminate as soon as possible the aftermath of the war,
the German Federal Parliament allocated a 105 million kuna-loan for
Croatia's small and medium-sized enterprise, of which 11 million kunas
are intended for the Danube region of eastern Croatia.
Parliament member Irmgard Schwaeteer assessed that new jobs would
certainly facilitate reconciliation in this region.
(hina) ha
211826 MET jul 97
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