MOSTAR, July 1 (Hina) - Mostar mayor Ivan Prskalo and his deputy Safet
Orucevic on Tuesday received a delegation of the Spanish Parliament
Defence Committee headed by chairman Alejandro Munoz.
The Spanish delegation arrived on Tuesday for a visit to Spanish
troops serving in the NATO-led Stabilisation Force (SFOR) in Bosnia-
Herzegovina. Their headquarters is located in the southwestern town of
Prskalo thanked the guests for the contribution of Spanish troops
in maintaining the peace in the Mostar area and expressed a desire for
the promotion of economic cooperation.
Munoz said that significant progress had been made in Mostar in the
last few months, emphasising that the will of the town's Croat and
Moslem residents to live together was noticeable.
Munoz said that Spain was honoured that its brigade had contributed
to the establishment of peace in Mostar.
(hina) vm
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