ZAGREB, July 25 (Hina) - The Croatian Parliament will dedicate special +
attention to
The Hague-based International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia's +
week decision on a subpoena (order under threat of punishment) to the Republic +
Croatia, Parliament president Vlatko Pavletic said in the Croatian Television's+
news broadcast on Thursday evening.
Pavletic said the Croatian Constitution does not authorize him, as the +
of the Parliament, to call a special meeting by himself. This decision can be +
only by the President of Croatia and the Prime Minister, in agreement with the
president of the Parliament, if special circumstances call for such a decision,+
He proposed to the president of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Zarko Domljan,
to call a special meeting for all committee members, Pavletic said, adding that+
session is to take place on 29 July.
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251424 MET jul 97
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