ZAGREB, July 7 (Hina) - The president of the Croatian Parliament Vlatko
Pavletic on Monday forwarded a letter of congratulations to the newly
appointed Archbishop of Zagreb, Msgr Josip Bozanic.
Following is the text of the letter:
"On the occasion of your appointment as the first shepherd of the
Zagreb Archdiocese, allow me to congratulate you most sincerely on
behalf of the Croatian Parliament, and mine as well.
"In front of you is a long period of serving God and His people in
Croatia, for which you will need the permanent support of all those
factors, which you already have. I wish you a lot of success, as well as
the necessary vigour and health, wisdom and determination in serving and
keeping faith in the Church and the people.
"Excellency, receive my uttermost respect", the letter by the
president of the Croatian Parliament concluded.
(hina) ha
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