THE HAGUE, 26 June (Hina) - The defence of General Tihomir Blaskic,
Anto Nobilo and Russel Hayman, on Thursday asked that 53 witnesses of
the prosecution be exempted from the process, as the defence received
their names only two days before the start of the trial.
"We got the names of those witnesses at the last moment," Nobilo
told Hina, adding that it was visible from the documents the defence
received that the witnesses had been interrogated during 1995 and 1996,
"and the prosecution concealed that fact from the defence, which we
consider to be a manipulation."
The documents were sent to Russel Hayman's office in Los Angeles
and to Nobilo's office in Zagreb at the time when the prosecution knew
that Blaskic's attorneys were in The Hague, Nobilo added.
The defence proposed that the interrogation of the witnesses be
postponed for 60 days, as it had to visit and interrogate the witnesses,
who are from Bosnia-Herzegovina.
The trial of General Blaskic before the International Criminal
Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), who was indicted for crimes
against humanity, severe violations of the Geneva conventions and of the
law and customs of war, started on Tuesday. After today's break, the
trial will continue tomorrow.
(hina) rm jn
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