ZAGREB, July 1 (Hina) - The main hearing in the trial of General Tihomir
Blaskic before the UN war crimes tribunal in The Hague continued on
Tuesday with the testimony of a witness for the prosecution, Sarajevo
law professor Zarko Pajic, defence attorney Anto Nobilo told Hina in a
telephone interview.
Pajic, speaking as an expert witness, today concluded the analysis
of official documents of the Croatian Community of Herceg-Bosna. Like
the day before, he spoke of Herceg-Bosna as a community with
characteristics of a state which reached its culmination with the
creation of the Croatian Republic of Herceg-Bosna, Nobilo said.
Professor Pajic was expected to conclude his testimony on
Wednesday, when Blaskic's defence, attorneys Nobilo and Russel Hyaman,
would be able to put questions.
In what way the hearing will continue depends on the prosecution,
which can request continuation of testimony by Simon Leach, chief of a
team of tribunal experts who investigated crimes committed in the Lasva
valley of central Bosnia, Nobilo said.
(hina) vm jn
011529 MET jul 97
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