SARAJEVO, July 16 (Hina) - A hand grenade was thrown at a UN car in the
Serb-held north-western Bosnian town of Prijedor early on Wednesday, the
third bombing incident after NATO troops had arrested a war crimes
suspect and shot dead another in Serb territory a week ago.
UN spokesman Liam McDowall told a news conference in the Serb
stronghold of Pale, south-east of Sarajevo, that no one had been injured
in the blast.
We are continuing our normal activities and we have not been put on
heightened alert, he noted.
John Blakely, a spokesman for the NATO-led peace Stabilisation
Force (SFOR), said that SFOR troops continued performing their regular
tasks but that they took seriously all threats directed against them.
Meanwhile, the Venice Commission, a European Union working body
charged with supporting democratic processes in Eastern Europe, assessed
that the decision by Bosnian Serb President Biljana Plavsic to dissolve
the Bosnian Serb parliament was in line with the Constitution.
Duncan Bullivant, a spokesman for the office of the international
community's High Representative to Bosnia-Herzegovina, said the
decisions of the Venice Commission were no "legal bulldozer" in the
hands of the international community, adding that the international
community would wait for a decision of the Constitutional Court of the
Bosnian Serb Republic.
Bullivant warned that the Dayton peace agreement was a document
which had a greater value than any law or even the Constitution of
Bosnia-Herzegovina, noting that the High Representative had the
authority to interpret its civilian provisions.
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161504 MET jul 97
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