SARAJEVO, July 14 (Hina) - International organisations in Bosnia-
Herzegovina have been continuing their operations in Bosnian Serb entity
after Sunday night's bomb attack in Serb-controlled eastern Bosnian town
of Zvornik when an OSCE car was destroyed.
An OSCE (Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe)
spokesman, Johan Verhayden, said in Sarajevo on Monday said that two-
kilogram charge had been placed under a car parked in front of the
'Drina' hotel in Zvornik, in which OSCE and UN workers stay, and no
warning had been given prior to the blast.
An SFOR (NATO-led Stabilisation Force) spokesman, Chris Riley, said
that there was no evidence for the time being that the explosion in
Zvornik was linked with last week's operation of arrest of war criminals
in Prijedor, when NATO soldiers apprehended one Bosnian Serb war crimes
suspect and killed the other in self-defence.
Riley said that so far SFOR troops had received no threat of
revenge for the Prijedor operation.
(hina) mm mš
141609 MET jul 97
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