SARAJEVO, July 15 (Hina) - An explosive device went off early Tuesday
morning outside an apartment building in the Serb-held northwestern
Bosnian town of Banja Luka in which a senior OSCE official was residing.
OSCE mission spokesman David Foley told a news conference in
Sarajevo that the explosion had occurred at 1.45 hours, shattering a
large number of windows on the building.
So far there has been no evidence that our official was the target
of the attack, Foley said.
The bomb attack occurred two days after an OSCE-marked vehicle had
been blown up in the eastern town of Zvornik.
There have been cases of verbal intimidation of OSCE officials
since the beginning of the current political crisis in the Serb entity
of Bosnia-Herzegovina, but those threats did not have serious
consequences, he added.
Foley said that the threats were not connected with the recent
arrest by SFOR troops of war crimes suspects in the northwestern town of
UN spokesman Alexander Ivanko said that Serb police in Banja Luka
had reacted promptly, conducting an on-site investigation after the
blast. The results of the investigation have not been released yet.
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