WASHINGTON, 14 July (Hina) - The U.N. Security Council on Monday adopted
a resolution on the extension of the mandate of the U.N. mission in
Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium (UNTAES) until 15 January,
The Council also supported a proposal to restructure the UNTAES
The following are excerpts from the resolution:
"Welcoming the report of the Secretary-General of 23 June 1997
(S/1997/487), and noting in particular his recommendations for the
continued presence of UNTAES after 15 July 1997 with an appropriate
restructuring of the mission,
Recalling that the Basic Agreement provides that the transitional
period of twelve months may be extended at most to another period of the
same duration if so requested by one of the parties, and noting that the
local Serb community has requested such an extension, as indicated by
the Secretary-General in his report of 28 August 1996 (S/1996/705),
Determining that the situation in Croatia continues to constitute a
threat to international peace and security,
Determined to ensure the security and freedom of movement of the
personnel of the United Nations peacekeeping operations in the Republic
of Croatia, and, to these ends, acting under Chapter VII of the Charter
of the United Nations, (the Security Council)
1. Expresses its full support for UNTAES, and calls upon the
Government of the Republic of Croatia and the local Serb community to
cooperate fully with UNTAES and other international bodies and to fulfil
all obligations and commitments specified in the Basic Agreement and all
relevant Security Council resolutions, as well as in the letter of the
Government of the Republic of Croatia of 13 January 1997 (S/1997/27,
2. Reaffirms in particular the importance of full compliance by the
parties, in particular by the Government of the Republic of Croatia,
with their commitments, as specified in the Basic Agreement, to respect
the highest standards of human rights and fundamental freedoms and to
promote an atmosphere of confidence among local residents regardless of
their ethnic origin, and urges the Government of the Republic of Croatia
to ensure respect for the rights of all persons of all national ethnic
3. Reaffirms the right of all refugees and displaced persons
originating from the Republic of Croatia to return to their homes of
origin throughout the Republic of Croatia;
4. Strongly urges the Government of the Republic of Croatia to
eliminate promptly the administrative and legal obstacles to the return
of refugees and displaced persons, in particular those posed by the Law
on Temporary Take Over and Administration of Specified Property; to
create the necessary conditions of security, safety, and social and
economic opportunity for those returning to their homes in Croatia,
including the prompt payment of pensions; and to foster the successful
implementation of the Agreement on the Operational Procedures of Return
(S/1997/341) treating all returnees equally, regardless of ethnic
5. Reminds the local Serb population in Eastern Slavonia, Baranja
and Western Sirmium of the importance of continuing to demonstrate a
constructive attitude towards the reintegration of the region and a
willingness to cooperate fully with the Government of the Republic of
Croatia in building a stable and positive future for the Region;
6. Reiterates its previous calls on all the States in the region,
including the Government of the Republic of Croatia, to cooperate fully
with the International Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia;
7. Urges the Government of the Republic of Croatia to eliminate
ambiguities in implementation of the Amnesty Law, and to implement it
fairly and objectively in accordance with international standards, in
particular by concluding all investigations of crimes covered by the
amnesty and undertaking an immediate and comprehensive review with
United Nations and local Serb participation of all charges outstanding
against individuals for serious violations of international humanitarian
law which are not covered by the amnesty in order to end proceedings
against all individuals against whom there in insufficient evidence;
8. Decides to extend the mandate of UNTAES until 15 January 1998,
as envisaged in its resolution 1079 (1996) of 15 November 1996;
9. Endorses the plan for the gradual devolution of executive
responsibility for civil administration in the Region by the
Transitional Administrator, as set out in the report of the Secretary-
general of 23 June 1997;
10. Endorses the plan for restructuring UNTAES, as outlined in the
report of the Secretary-General of 23 June 1997, and, in particular, the
proposal for achieving the drawdown of the UNTAES military component by
15 October 1997;
11. Stresses that the pace of the gradual devolution of executive
responsibility would be commensurate with Croatia's demonstrated ability
to reassure the Serb population and successfully complete peaceful
12. Reiterates its decision in its resolution 1037 (1996) that
Member States, acting nationally or through regional organisations of
arrangements, may, at the request of UNTAES and on the basis of
procedures communicated to the United Nations, take all necessary
measures, including close air support, in defence of UNTAES and, as
appropriate, to assist in the withdrawal of UNTAES;
13. Requests that UNTAES and the multinational stabilisation force
authorised by the Council in resolution 1088 (1996) of 12 December 1996
continue to cooperate, as appropriate, with each other, as well as with
the High Representative;
14. Requests the Secretary-General to continue to keep the Council
regularly informed of the situation and to report in any case no later
than 6 October 1997 on all aspects relevant to the peaceful
reintegration of the Region;
15. Stresses the importance of demilitarisation of the area, and in
that context stresses further the importance of achieving bilateral
agreements on demilitarisation and a liberal border regime in the region
of Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium, accompanied by
appropriate confidence-building measures as suggested in the report of
the Secretary-General of 23 June 1997;
16. Calls upon the Government of the Republic of Croatia, inter
alia, to initiate a country-wide public programme of national
reconciliation, to take all necessary steps for the official
establishment and legal registration of the Joint Council of
Municipalities, and to fulfil all its obligations as specified in the
various agreements signed with UNTAES;
17. Welcomes the renewed mandate of the Organisation for Security
and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) of 26 June 1997 (S/1997/496) providing
for a continued and reinforced OSCE presence in the Republic of Croatia,
with a particular focus on two-way return of all refugees and displaced
persons, protection of their rights, and the protection of persons
belonging to national minorities, welcomes also the decision of OSCE for
the build-up starting July 1997 of its mission personnel with a view to
full deployment by 15 January 1998, and urges the Government of the
Republic of Croatia to cooperate fully with the OSCE mission to that
18. Underlines the observation of the Secretary-General that the
essential prerequisite for the successful completion of peaceful
reintegration of the Region is the full cooperation of the Government of
the Republic of Croatia, which bears the responsibility for convincing
the local population that the reintegration of the people of the Region
is sustainable and that the process of reconciliation and return is
19. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.
(hina) rm mm
142010 MET jul 97
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