OSIJEK, June 12 (Hina) - The UNTAES public relations office issued a
statement on Thursday in response to some statements and media reports
on a stoning incident that had occurred in Vukovar on June 8.
The statement said that UNTAES had ensured a Transitional Police
Force squad and a military squad to provide security during the visit of
the Croatian President and that it had fully adjusted its security plan
with the President's Office and Croatian security services, including
the Interior Ministry.
During the visit, UNTAES security personnel realised that the
President's entourage was much bigger than expected and agreed, for
which reason the request for security was changed at very short notice,
the statement said.
UNTAES stressed it did not approve of any violence or provocation.
Despite the thoroughly adjusted rules of conduct for all
participants, UNTAES noticed that some visitors did not comply with them
The provocative and offensive behaviour of certain elements on the
train, including the showing of vulgar and provocative gestures and
signs, prompted a negative and hostile reaction from a small, until then
peacful, number of bystanders.
UNTAES reiterated its view that provocations should not be allowed,
that violence could not be condoned and that the perpetrators should be
brought to justice.
Although similar incidents often go unnoticed elsewhere in Croatia,
UNTAES acted immediately and apprehended three suspects, while warrants
have been issued for the arrest of another three persons, the statement
The Transitional Police Force (TPF) and Croatian police have taken
disciplinary action against four TPF members of Croat nationality. The
investigation is still in progress, the statement concluded.
(hina) vm jn
122111 MET jun 97
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