ZAGREB, June 24 (Hina) - The Croatian Parliament's House of
Representatives on Tuesday discussed amendments to the law on the
election of the Croatian President.
Explaining the proposed amendments, Administration Minister Davorin
Mlakar recalled that the law was passed in 1992 and followed by other
election laws, pointing out that current texts needed to be
terminologically coordinated and entered into the Croatian legal
terminology. Proposed amendments to Article Four envisage the alteration
of the solemn oath the President of Croatia makes before the
Constitutional Court when he steps into office, so that it concludes
with the line "May God help me".
Davor Kajin of the Istrian Democratic Party, who objected to the
proposed alteration of the solemn oath, was the only one to register for
the discussion of the bill.
The Croatian Parliament's Lower House in the afternoon concluded a
discussion on a final bill on amendments to the Privatization Act, by
which money raised from stock-sale and the Croatian Privatization Fund's
share realized on the basis of the Privatization Act would be directed
toward the state budget for the reconstruction of the Croatian Danube
region, liberated areas and economy restructuring.
Parliament representatives also concluded a discussion on a report
on problems in raising shells, stressing that Croatia made poor use of
its advantages in this field, especially considering that our shells are
among the best in Europe.
In a discussion on the implementation programme of the National
Strategy for the Prevention of Drug Abuse in Croatia in 1997, the
representatives advocated stricter fines for drug sellers.
Discussing amendments to the Apartment Renting Act, the Parliament
representatives voiced the opinion that persons living in superintendent
apartments should be enabled to purchase them.
The Lower House also concluded discussions on a report on the
activity of the Croatian State Attorney's Office in 1996, and a report
on the activity of the Croatian Arts and Science Academy in 1996.
(hina) ha jn
242210 MET jun 97
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