SARAJEVO, Feb 26 (Hina) - The joint police forces of the
Sarajevo Canton were presented on Wednesday at a ceremony held
at the Sarajevan "Skenderija" sports centre. In attendance
were the highest officials of the Federation of Bosnia-
Herzegovina (BH), of the U.S. Embassy and the representatives
of the International Police Task Force in BH.
The Sarajevo Canton police was established on the basis
of a special agreement between Croat and Bosniak (Muslim)
officials in the Federation, and as of today, Bosniaks made 70
percent of its members, Croats 15 percent and other
nationalities the remaining 15 percent.
The members of the Sarajevo Canton police are as of today
also the first in the Federation to wear uniforms bearing both
federal and cantonal insignia.
Activities to establish joint police forces in the
Central-Bosnian and Neretva cantons would begin tomorrow, the
Federation's Premier Edhem Bicakcic said at the presentation.
The Sarajevo Canton policemen were congratulated by the
U.S. Embassy's political advisor, Michael Parmley, who
promised additional support for the establishment of new
police forces in the Federation's ten cantons.
(hina) ha mm
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