ZAGREB, Feb 27 (Hina) - The Second Croatian Financial Forum
would take place at the Zagreb "Intercontinental" hotel
between 5 and 7 March, business and financial information
company "Infoinvest", which organizes the Forum, said in a
statement on Thursday.
The Forum would gather Croatian and foreign bankers,
financial analysts and computer experts, the statement said,
adding that some 60 institutions had already applied to take
part, including the Croatian Finance Ministry, the Croatian
Chamber of Commerce, the Zagreb stock exchange, the Bankers
Trust Company, the Girocredit Bank, the Steiermarkische Bank
und Sparkassen, Reuters, the Dow Jones Telerate, the Financial
Times and the Wall Street Journal.
A conference entitled "The Future of Banking in the
Republic of Croatia" would be held during the Forum, as well
as other specialized seminars and meetings.
(hina) ha jn
271251 MET feb 97
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