TUZLA, Jan 19 (Hina) - An explosion damaged a bridge a few
kilometres outside Celic at a road toward Koraj, northeastern
Bosnia, at about 23.00 hrs Saturday. No human losses have been
One fifth of the bridge in its east side was destroyed in the
blast, the Stabilization Force (SFOR) said in a statement.
The explosion also tore up water supplies pipes under the
bridge. That's why the town of Celic is short of water. Windows of
a nearby factory were broken due to the strong detonation.
The bridge is located a few hundred metres of a check-point
manned by Russian SFOR troops in Sector North.
The SFOR and international police (IPTF) said they still did
not know who had set up the explosive device and what type of
explosive had been used. The IPTF are investigating the explosion.
The head of Tuzla-based office for return of refugees, Fadil
Banjanovic, said he believed that Serb commandos had damaged the
bridge to frighten Moslem refugees and prevent them from returning
to their home village of Gajevi outside Koraj, an area controlled
by Bosnian Serbs.
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