( Editorial: --> 5235 )
MARIJA BISTRICA, Oct 3 (Hina) - With the placement of the statue of
the Holy Virgin on the altar in the "Church in the Open" at Marija
Bistrica, Friday night's vigil ended. The vigil preceded
Saturday's ceremonies when Pope John Paul II will meet with
pilgrims for the beatification of Zagreb Cardinal Alojzije
The vigil was the final point of a four hour programme which
commenced with Holy Mass in the basilica at Marija Bistrica.
Pilgrims were shown slides and an appropriate programme about the
history of the Marian Shrine as well as the life of the Holy Father
and Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac.
As the statue of the Holy Virgin was taken to the altar outside the
basilica the faithful formed a procession around the shrine singing
hymns and praying.
"The statue of Our Lady has been taken from the altar in the basilica
in 1935, 1971 and 1984 on the occasions of Eucharistic Congresses
and now in honour of Pope John Paul II's visit to our church", said
local parish priest, Msgr. Lovro Cindori.
The statute of Our Lady with the child Jesus was created at the
beginning of the 15 th century and was located in a chapel on 'Vinski
vrh', not far from the local parish church.
In fear of Turkish invasions, the local parish priest removed the
statue and placed it in the parish church bricking it into a vault.
It was only in 1588 that the statue was uncovered.
In 1650 it was hidden in the vault again for reasons unknown, being
uncovered once again in 1684 since when it has been a continual
place of homage to Our Lady of Bistrica and a national shrine for
Croats ever since.
(Hina) sp
031027 MET oct 98
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