( Editorial: --> 3221 )
BELI MANASTIR, Sept 25 (Hina) - A new Serb party in Croatia - the
Serb Democratic Party of Baranja (SDBS) - was founded on Friday in
Beli Manastir.
The new party's president will be the current president of the
initiating committee, Ljubomir Mijatovic.
Mijatovic said that the new party would be a democratic party and
that it would cooperate with other Serb and Croatian parties
keeping in mind the multi-ethnic nature of the Baranja region.
He said that the party emerged as a result of the wishes of the
people who wanted to preserve their identity and tradition.
The party programme noted that the SDBS would work to preserve and
develop the Serb national identity in Croatia as well as integrate
it into Croatian society.
The party will also support Croatia's integration into
international organisations which are of interest to its
The new party was welcomed by Osijek County deputy prefect Mirko
Blagojevic and Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) county committee
representative Ivica Zavrski.
Although members of the Independent Democratic Serb Party (SDSS)
were invited to attend the founding assembly, they did not arrive.
(Hina) sp/rml
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