( Editorial: --> 8714 )
BRATISLAVA, Sept 7 (Hina) - A new agreement has been signed which
will allow Slovakian firms to use Croatia's Adriatic ports open to
international trade under the same conditions as Croatian firms.
The agreement between the Republic of Croatia and the Slovak
Republic was signed in Bratislava on Monday by the countries'
respective Transport Ministers, Zeljko Luzavec and Jan Jasovsky.
The signing of the Agreement on the Use of Croatian Ports Open to
International Transport followed the signing of a series of other
inter-state agreements on cooperation in transport and intensive
negotiations by the two ministries over the past year.
Thanks to a significant share of Slovakian exports and imports
arriving through Croatian ports, the first sixth months of this
year recorded a 70 per cent increase in transport just through
Rijeka's port and railway line in relations to the same period last
This newly signed agreement gives Slovakian firms the same
conditions as Croatian partners in the use of Croatian ports and
ports capacity, to invest in them and realise operations in
accordance with Croatian legal provisions and tax responsibilities
as paid by Croatian companies.
Before the signing of the inter-state agreement the two ministers
and their associates held talks which presented other forms of
It was agreed that Croatia would enable Slovakian students to be
educated in Croatian maritime schools and university faculties and
the two ministers would instigate a meeting with their Polish and
Hungarian colleagues for an intensive use of transport corridors
from the Baltic Sea to the Adriatic.
They also reached agreement on intensifying combined transports,
using the Danube River as a transport route and cooperation between
rail and air carriers.
(Hina) mbr /jfk
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