( Editorial: --> 3278 )
PRISTINA, 12 Aug (Hina) - Strong Serbian forces have been attacking
villages in the Decani municipality for the fourth day in a row,
Kosovo Albanian sources in Pristina said.
Serbian forces used tanks, heavy artillery and about 250 military
vehicles in their attacks on at least 11 Albanian villages, the
Kosovo Information Centre reported.
A number of Albanians were killed and at least 45 were wounded in the
Decani municipality in Wednesday clashes, the same source said.
Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) units are offering resistance and have
inflicted great damage on Serbian forces and weaponry.
Almost 100,000 Albanian refugees from Decani have fled to other
areas of the Decani municipality and to Pec and Djakovica. Most of
them are forced to live in the open.
The situation is also alarming in the largest Kosovo village of
Junik and nearby villages, near the Yugoslav-Albanian border, the
same source said.
Serbian forces today continued fierce heavy artillery attacks on
the village, which is believed to be KLA's main stronghold.
(hina) rml
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